Saturday, January 23, 2010

never stand behind your buddy when he pulls the RPG trigger

This young man is a member of the ANP (Afghani National Police). He came to us sometime yesterday. He has Severe burns to his right hand and face (as you can see). His patrol came under an ambush by the Taliban. When they returned fire, he was standing behind a Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher (RPG) when the trigger was pulled. With an RPG, everything (except the grenade) comes out the back of the weapon. He is actually very lucky. He is breathing on his own, and is in good spirits. When I asked permission to take his picture he smiled. I told him he could close his eyes if he wanted. He didn't want to. Our other admission was a young ANA soldier who was the only survivor of seven. His crew also came under Taliban attack. I felt that taking his picture would have been very inappropriate. I don't want it to sound like the Taliban are doing well...they're not. The ANA and ANP do a very good job. There is always collateral damage though. Welcome to Monday...It's actually Saturday here, but it's their Monday as far as the work week goes. Something to make you wonder....Yesterday was Jumma The Afghani day of prayer. Apparently the Minister of Agriculture asked the Nation to pray for rain. There hasn't been any rain in a long time... It has been raining ALL day...coincidence??  Whatever, it's a day without dust!     Mike


  1. Great blog, Michael. We laughed at your humor. Keep the pics and blogs coming. Just read "docndirt" blog and saw pics. Sounds like the Afghan docs are a "bit" lax, no?

  2. Yikes...that kid got pretty messed up! Lucky for him, you guys were there to help him out! Glad to hear the bad guys aren't doing as well as some make us think! Keep up the good work and thanks for the creative blogs!
