Sunday, January 3, 2010

starting out with a bang (literally)

If i haven't already said it...Happy new year. Today was our first full day back at work following the holidays. We had a staff meeting before going to the hospital at Camp Zafar. So, we're sitting in the meeting and find out that ALL of out interpreters are being replaced today. Apparently there were some issues with the terps and the staff that we relieved. I know some of the issues but will spare you the details. It is difficult to start over with a new terp. Building a relationship is hard enough to do, but when you don't know or trust (yet) makes for a difficult day. guy seems to be pretty much on the good side. He has been down range terping for the guys in the field, and says he likes it here because there is less chance of getting shot or hotting an IED. He has been in two IED attacks, and likes the safety of the hospital. However, when we left the hospital, there was a huge blast outside of the front gate...none of us really know what happened, but our sirens never sounded, so apparently nothing bad. We got four more patients over the last two days. 1 gsw, and 3 guys busted up (that's a medical term) really bad from getting hit by cars. Maybe one of our missions over here should be teaching the Afghani people how to drive without mowing over pedestrians. En Shallah...


  1. Boy Mike...the title of this blog sure is an attention grabber!!! Hope your terp ends up being a good one for ya!

  2. Hi Mike,
    thanks for the update and the pic. I hope your terp turns out to be a good guy and that you and he develop a good and trusting relationship. I'll send along an email to your yahoo account. xoxox mom
